The Provenance Blockchain,
Own your Art, Own your Story.

Build Frictionless dApps and Simplify User Interaction with Blockchain.

The Provenance Blockchain, Own your Art, Own your Story.

Shift to Bio-NFTs Ownership and Lead the Web3 Change in Your Sector.
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Cordoba L2 blockchain goes beyond the lens, where click meets claim, painting your copyright credentials onto every photo you capture.

Introducing an innovative photo API platform powered by the Cordoba blockchain. This platform uses on-chain copyright tokens to ensure the authenticity and ownership of your photos, while offering a secure and user-friendly experience.

Making World’s
First NFT Cameras Possible.

Revolutionizing Photo Ownership with In-Camera 

Making World’s
First NFT Cameras Possible.

Revolutionizing Photo
Ownership with In-Camera 

Photo Copyright

Digital content provenance and authenticity have become increasingly challenging and crucial in the digital content and Ai generated images ecosystem. Cordoba L2 is transforming copyright creation, management, and protection with proof-of-ownership.

With Cordoba L2's ability to provide decentralized verifiable proof, Taliware is bolstering trust in digital content and reasserting Cordoba L2 as a definitive tool for enabling content provenance.

Photo Copyright. 

Cordoba L2 empowers Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to seamlessly integrate a blockchain-based image authentication API into consumer smartphones and digital cameras. This one-click biometric authentication solution simplifies copyright protection and proof-of-ownership for users.

Cordoba L2 blockchain simplifies smart contract creation and biometric cryptocopygraphy encoding by automating the process with the API’s built-in Copyright Crypto Concierge.

Decentralized photo watermarking is the future of digital media protection.

Content Credentials

Content Credentials

Advanced Copyright Crypto Concierge API.

Empowering Consumer-Friendly Blockchain Experiences. Build Smarter, Deploy Faster with Cordoba L2 blockchainAPI: Wallets Creations, Contracts, On-Chain CryptoExchange, Copyright Tokens and Much More.

  • Crypto Wallets Creation
  • Automatic Smart Contract
  • Built-in Crypto Dispensary
  • US $ to Crypto Exchange
  • Cryptocopygraphy Tokens

Effortless On-Chain API Integration

One-Click Copyright: Empower your users to secure ownership for every photo automatically, streamlining their workflow and boosting confidence.

Effortless Integration: Taliware’s lightweight Cordoba L2 blcockainAPI seamlessly plugs into your existing camera firmware, requiringminimal development effort.

Smart Contract Creation: No manual setup or complex processes. Cordoba L2 handles everything behind the scenes, ensuring secure and transparent copyright management.

The Digital



Digital content provenance and authenticity have become increasingly challenging and crucial in the digital content ecosystem. Cordoba L2 is transforming copyright creation, management, and protection with proof of ownership. With Cordoba L2's ability to provide decentralized verifiable proof, Taliware is bolstering trust in digital content and reasserting Cordoba L2 as a definitive tool for enabling content provenance.

The Digital



Digital content provenance and authenticity have become increasingly challenging and crucial in the digital content ecosystem. Cordoba L2 is transforming copyright creation, management, and protection with proof of ownership. With Cordoba L2's ability to provide decentralized verifiable proof, Taliware is bolstering trust in digital content and reasserting Cordoba L2 as a definitive tool for enabling content provenance.


Simplifies smart contract creation and biometric cryptocopygraphy encoding, offering a user-friendly Out-of-the-box proof of ownership solution.
Learn more


Simplifies smart contract creation and biometric cryptocopygraphy encoding, offering a user-friendly.
Out-of-the-box proof of ownership solution.
Learn more


Simplifies smart contract creation and biometric cryptocopygraphy encoding, offering a user-friendly out-of-the-box proof of ownership solution.
Learn more

Cordoba L2

A blockchain layer2 API for Smart phones and Digital Cameras.

Cordoba L2 provides a streamlined on-blockchain image authentication API for OEMs to integrate into digital consumer smartphones, and digital cameras enabling one-click image copyright and proof of ownership.

Cordoba L2

A blockchain layer 2 API for Smart phones and Digital Cameras.

Cordoba L2 provides a streamlined on-blockchain image authentication API for OEMs to integrate into digital consumer smartphones, and digital cameras enabling one-click image copyright and proof of ownership.

Decentralized photo watermarking is the future of digital media protection.

Photos watermarking is the future of digital media protection.

Cordoba L2 enables smartphone manufacturers, camera sensors to provide their customers with a secure and reliable way to protect and copyright their precious memories.

Cordoba L2 Embedded Systems

Cordoba L2 for embedded systems offers streamlined on-blockchain document authentication for digital printer and copier with a one-click solution. Designed for deployment by OEMs.

Cordoba L2
for Digital Cameras

Cordoba L2 is a streamlined on-blockchain image authentication API for integration into Digital Cameras embedded systems, enabling one-click image copyright-protected and proof of ownership. Designed for deployment by OEMs.
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Accelerate your web3 journey

With Cordoba L2

Powering World's First ON-Chain Photo Authentication

Cordoba L2 the Provenance Blockchain, Own your Art, Own your Story.

Ready for a demo?